Aaron, Kun ZHANG


Email: kun.zhang [at] connect[dot]ust [dot] hk

Research Interests:

Robotics Perception, Manipulation, & Mechatronic System Design


Currently, I am a PhD candidate from the Robotics Institute of HKUST. And working on the deformable object manipulation problem, especially textile and garment.




Mobile: Dynamic Objects Removal

-IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL),2023 [paper]
Design and Test of A Novel Modular Dexterous Gripper

-IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering(CASE),2023 [Paper] [Patent]
Peg-in-hole Manipulation

-IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA),2023 [paper]
-IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS),2023 [paper]
Joggling manipulation: Tossing
[2021.05 - 2021.08]

Prior work for : Tencent Robotics-X Bartending Demo: Tossing Part
Design and Test of A Novel Mobile Manipulator
[2021.01 - 2021.05]
Nonprehensile Manipulation: Ball Balancing
Design and Test of A Novel Modular Force Control Manipulator
[2020.02 - 2020.07]
Machine Tools Recognition System
[2016.10 - 2018.10]
-International Conference on Extreme Learning Machine(ELM),2018 [paper]
-Cognitive Computation,2018 [paper]
-IEEE Access,2020 [paper]
Intelligent Energy-saving Automatic Closing Device for Refrigerators
[2014.10 - 2015.05]
National innovation and entrepreneurship training program for college students
[Patent] [Paper]

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